About us

We are a busy neurosurgical practice providing professional care to people in the Hunter New England Health Area and beyond.

For those in need of neurosurgical expertise, A/Prof Hansen triages each patient referral received for timely access to surgery.

A/Prof Hansen

A/Prof Mitchell Hansen

BSc MBBS Grad Dip Sc PhD FRACS Neurosurgeon & Spine Surgeon

A/Prof Hansen is an Australian-trained Adult and Paediatric Neurosurgeon. He is professional, highly trained, and has vast experience. He’s also down-to-earth, open, funny and caring – you’ll know you’re in good hands.

Growing up in Bathurst NSW, he has held appointments at Royal Prince Alfred, Westmead Adults, Westmead Children’s, John Hunter and Royal North Shore Hospitals. He completed a fellowship in Complex Spine Surgery at John Hunter Hospital as well as the prestigious AO Spine Fellowship at the Toronto Western Hospital in Canada.

He has extensive surgical expertise in cranial, spinal and peripheral nerve surgery. He is the Director of Neurosurgery at Newcastle Private Hospital, Director of Neurosurgical Training at John Hunter Hospital as well as Director of AO Spine Centre there. He is also Vice-President and Director of the Neurosurgical Society of Australasia, a board member of the SET Board for Neurosurgery for the Royal College of Surgeon and Chairman and Fellowship Coordinator for AO Spine Australia and New Zealand. He regularly provides presentations and training to other Surgeons nationally and internationally.

A/Prof Hansen was appointed Conjoint Associate Professor of the University of Newcastle in 2020. He has a keen interest in research, with publications in several international journals.

A/Prof Hansen at work



Your medical file is handled with the utmost respect for your privacy. We are all bound by strict confidentiality requirements regarding your medical records as a condition of our employment. We will not release the contents of your medical file without your consent.