
A/Prof Hansen investigates, diagnoses, treats and manages all cranial, spinal and peripheral nerve pathologies in both adult and paediatric populations.

A/Prof Hansen operating

Conditions and treatments include the following:

  • Disc Protrusions
  • Brain Surgery
  • Key Hole Surgery
  • Adult Brain Tumours
  • Hydrocephalus & Shunts
  • Spinal Surgery
  • Spinal Canal Stenosis
  • Peripheral Nerve Surgery
  • Paediatric Brain Tumours
  • Back Pain Relief

Disc Protrusions

Disc protrusions may occur anywhere along the spine but the most common regions are the cervical spine (neck) and lumbar spine (lower back). A/Prof Mitchell Hansen often performs minimal access or ‘keyhole’ spine surgery to help reduce pain.

Brain Surgery

A/Prof Hansen performs all types of cranial surgery including tumours, vascular and trauma.

Key Hole Surgery

A/Prof Hansen undertakes a lot of minimal access or ‘key hole’ surgeries which are performed through small incisions. This approach allows for a faster recovery time, reduced hospital stay and a lower risk of infection. A/Prof Hansen is a member of the Society for Minimal Access surgery and is well trained on key-hole approaches to both the brain and the spine.

Adult Brain Tumours

Brain tumours can be of two main sorts. Those that start within the brain tissue or those that come from other tissue to the brain (metastasis). A/Prof Hansen is well versed in managing all sorts of brain surgeries

Hydrocephalus & Shunts

The term hydrocephalus is derived from the Greek words “hydro” meaning water and “cephalus” meaning head. Shunts are small passages which aid in the movement of fluid from one part of the body to another. Shunts are performed to help treat hydrocephalus in patients and A/Prof Hansen performs these spinal surgeries to assist with pain relief.

Spinal Surgery

A/Prof Mitchell Hansen performs all types of spine surgery from the cervical spine to the sacrum. This includes minimally invasive procedures right through to large complex spinal surgery for all spinal conditions including degeneration, scoliosis, trauma, tumour and vascular.

Spinal Canal Stenosis

Spinal canal stenosis is a condition caused by narrowing of the spinal canal due to excess bone growth or tissue such as cartilage. A/Prof Hansen can perform decompressive spine surgery for this condition. This can often be minimally invasive surgery and only involve an overnight stay in hospital.